Lamina Films offers a special promotion to interested customers with 0% interest installment plan up to 10 months.
This year, Technocell (Frey) Co., Ltd., the importer and distributor of auto and building films “Lamina”, the ultra-premium films “LLumar” produced by CP Film Inc., and the luggage equipment “Thule” from Sweden, has participated in the exhibition under the concept of Boost Up Your Life. It comes with many special promotions. When booking a lamina film installation in any kinds of Digital Boost series, customers can select a special promotion between 0% interest installment payment for up to 10 months with a set of automotive protection products, LLUX, from the United States of America, or an air purifier for a car of which total value over 3,000 baht.
In the event, visitors will get to see Lamina coming all out with their products and special promotions at B2 Lamina booth, Impact Challenger Hall 1, Muang Thong Thani from 23 March – 3 April 2022. In addition, interested customers can reserve these special promotions via Laminafilms.com. For further information, please contact 02-422-2345.